artists, curators

Jacqueline Bell Johnson

Artist Jacqueline Bell Johnson has been involved with LGT! since the beginning (she is a founder).  Her latest project will occur at Human Resources gallery in Chinatown (Los Angeles) mid March.  She is creating an installation that fills the whole gallery and it will house musician Dorian Wood and his orchestra during five nights of performances.

She has launched a hatchfund campaign to help fundraise.  We hope that you consider contributing and spreading the word about this project.

You can see her project video here:

carcass drawingrefined

To find out more about the Jackie, visit her website:

In The Works, Strange Comfort

Conchi Sanford will be curating Strange Comfort on behalf of LGT! at the DA Center for the Arts in Pomona.  The show will open January 11th 2014.  Conchi will have a sculpture or two in the show, and installations by Jacqueline Bell Johnson, Betsy Lohrer Hall, and Chuck Feesago, possibly with a few other artists as well.  (In fact, I think most definately more artists.)

As LGT! starts to put together the show, we went over to the DA on a good ol’ fashioned field trip.  We got lots of pictures for reference in the studio for the participating artists, and bonus: sneak preview of the new show going up for the month of December.  The show is GUIDES, a group show featuring current work from Mt. SAC art faculty.  (Mount San Antonio College for those of you long distance readers.)


ReModel 2 Sculpture Education Symposium

ReModel 2 is happening tomorrow.  It is free and open to the public!  LGT!’s YOU ARE HERE show is in dialogue with this event and its participants.   Check out the lineup!

RSVP Here:

ReModel 2 Sculpture Education Symposium

ReModel 2 Sculpture Education Symposium

ReMODEL 2: Expanding the Dialog
Sculpture Education Now

Claremont Graduate University
Garrison Theatre
231 E. 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711
October 19th, Saturday 9:30am-4pm
Reception: 4:30pm
In Conjunction with ReMODEL 2 Exhibition:

September 3, 2013 to October 25, 2013
Peggy Phelps & East Gallery
251 E. 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711
The Claremont Graduate University Art Department is pleased to host the 2013 ReMODEL 2 Sculpture symposium as part of its Bradshaw Conference Series on Saturday, October 19th from 9:30am-4pm at the Garrison Theatre. This event is free and open to the public. Over twenty internationally recognized artists from across California Universities and Colleges will present papers and dialog on the current state of sculpture pedagogy.
ReMODEL 2 looks to explore the responsibility within sculpture for handling critical theory and maintaining an ongoing and inclusively expansive dialog. As sculpture has experienced an incredible trans-disciplinary revolution over the past 50 years ReMODEL 2 explores the intersection of art and disciplines as varied as digital, video, time-based, performance, sound, light, installation, public practice, engineering, computer science, cultural studies, identity politics, literary theory, cultural hegemony and historiography.

Concurrent with the symposium will be an exhibition of the artists at the CGU Art Department Galleries, who are presenting including faculty from: Claremont Graduate University, Scripps, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Stanford, CCA, OTIS, Cal Arts, Art Center, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, Cal State Long Beach, San Francisco Art Institute, and Hunter College.

ReModel 2 sculpture Education Symposium

ReModel 2 sculpture Education Symposium





YOU ARE HERE review in IE Weekly

Recently, LGT!’s show YOU ARE HERE: Installations and Space Expanse received a write up in the Inland Empire Weekly.  The show was curated by Jacquleine Bell Johnson and Jennifer Frias.  Participating Artists: Jacqueline Bell Johnson, Jeremiah Thomas Catling, Patrick Faulk, S. A. Hawkins, Matthew Hillseth, Patrick Quan, Chelsea Rector, and Conchi Sanford.

You can read the review here:


It’s not too late to see the show!  We are having our closing Reception tomorrow night, following the ReModel2 Sculpture Symposium.


The symposium details:

YOU ARE HERE show details:


Jennifer Frias

Jennifer Frias was co-curator for LGT!’s YOU ARE HERE: Installations and Space Expanse show.  She is the associate curator at the Sweeney Art Gallery at UC Riverside’s ARTSblock. Her curatorial projects focus on contemporary art, video and photography with emphasis on identity, technology and pop culture.
She has organized exhibitions such as “Jesper Just: Sirens of Chrome,” “RENDER: New Construction in Video Art” with artist/curator, Jeff Cain, “Even Better Than the Real Thing: The Art of the Uncanny,” “Metadataphile: The Collapse of Visual Information” with Lilia Lamas, “JEFF&GORDON: Play Against, and Your Donations Do Our Work: Suzanne Lacy and Andrea Bowers” in which she was part of a curatorial team with Tyler Stallings and Shane Shukis. She is currently working on an exhibition that focuses on the influence of artistic styles and movements of the 1980s and its resurgence in contemporary art today. She is co-founder of the artists/curators collaborative Sixpack Projects where she and her team organizes events and exhibitions at phantom gallery venues in Los Angeles, Orange County and the Inland Empire.
Linked below is an article Jennifer has written about artist Patrick Quan who is also in the YOU ARE HERE show:
01_Atrium view.jpg
You can find out more about Jennifer here: